1. 2019、2020年,获得博士学业奖助学金一等奖
2. 2019年,获得中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室研究生科技论文报告会三等奖
3. 2023年,获得第十二届全国环境化学大会优秀墙报奖
1、Wang G., Liu X., Li S Y., Dong J H., et al. Rapid Determination of Hg Isotopes in Low Concentration Water Samples by Flow Injection-Plasma Electrochemical Vapor Generation. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2024, 39, 1514-1522. T2期刊论文
2、Liu X., Cheng G., Yang C., Wang G., Li S Y., Li Y X., Zheng H T., Hu S H., Zhu Z L. Ultraviolet Assisted Liquid Spray Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma-Induced Vapor Generation for Sensitive Determination of Arsenic by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. Talanta, 2023, (257), 124339. T2期刊论文
3、Liu X., Chen L J., Peng H., Wang G., Belshaw N., Zheng H T., Hu S H., Zhu Z L. Fast and Highly Sensitive Cd Isotopic Analyses in Low-Cd Complex Samples with MC-ICPMS Based on Plasma Electrochemical Vapor Generation[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022(1215), 339980. T2期刊论文
4、Liu X., Zhu Z L., Yang C., Wang G., Zheng H T., Hu S H. Sensitivity and High-Precision Lead Isotopic Analysis by Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Based on Liquid Spray Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma-Induced[J]. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2021, 5(7), 1762−1771. T3期刊论文